Probability of Success: Increase Your Success Rate with the Quantum Rails Theory

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A probability of success measures the likelihood that a desired outcome occurs. Specifically, probabilities of success calculate the odds that you'll experience a reality in which your desired outcome happens. For example, if you bet on heads and flip a coin one time, you have a 50% probability of success - a 50% chance of living your desired reality.

However, a probability of success isn't that simple. Consider what happens when you bet heads 4x in a row and flip 4 coins. What are your probabilities of success? You might be quick to say 6%, but you'd be wrong. This is because according to theories of modern physics, every possible event happens simultaneously (seriously), but you only experience one of them.

Therefore, probabilities of success don't measure the likelihood of a desired event happening but rather the likelihood of you experiencing the reality you want, given that all possible events occur simultaneously. There's an important distinction between the two, and understanding the difference will help you increase your true probability of your success. This article introduces the quantum rails theory for success, including tips on how to increase your probability of success and success rate.

The Quantum Rails Theory - Rethinking Probability & Success

Quantum physics tells us that there might be a quantum universe where every event with multiple probabilities splinters off into different alternate realities. This means that when you experience something happening, it's not due to the probability of it happening at all, but rather the probability that you're in the reality it's happening within.

This changes the way we think about the probability of success. For example, when we flip a coin and hope for heads, we don't have a 50% chance of being happy but rather a 50% chance of ending up in the one reality (out of two) that'll make us happy. Regardless of what you experience, there's another you in another reality experiencing the exact opposite.

And the kicker? Both yous feel like the exact and only copy of you. So if the coin ends up heads and you jump for joy, there's another you who feels equally deflated. Conversely, if you experience the event you didn't want (i.e. tails), there's another you who's feeling elated and joyful for getting that heads.

The quantum rails theory for success, therefore, states that when trying to better your probability of success, rather than trying to increase the odds of an event happening, you should instead try to increase the probability of ending up in the "correct reality." Attempting to get an event to occur in one reality is futile. Trying to "slide" down the branches of a probability tree into the right reality isn't (like the picture below depicts).

For a better understanding of the quantum rails theory and how it can increase the probability of success, check out the images below and then read the proceeding sections for an account of probabilities in the quantum universe.

When thinking about the success rate and increasing your rate of success, you have to consider of your chances as two different realities that occur simultaneously thanks to the quantum rails theory

When flipping a coin and betting on heads, you don't have a 50% chance of winning but rather a 50% chance of sliding down the correct "rail" or branch of the probability tree into the reality you want. This is because all events happen 100% of the time in the quantum universe, but we only experience one of these events. So, when flipping a coin, you create two very real realities, one where you're happy and one where you're sad.

But what happens when there are more than two probabilities? For example, what happens when you bet that you'll flip two heads in a row and then flip a single coin twice? It creates four realities instead of two where the below results happen. Understanding how to increase the number of realities or "rails" that end in your desired reality is the focus of the quantum rails theory.

When thinking about the probability of success and increasing your rate of success, you have to consider of your chances as two different realities that occur simultaneously thanks to the quantum rails theory

Quantum Rails Theory Disclaimer

If you still don't believe me, by the way, you can read Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark for more information. Alternate realities exist (or at least half the scientific community is in agreement they do). And unfortunately for you, belief is (somewhat) mandatory. If you believe in general relativity, quantum physics, and more, you might have to actually believe that multiple realities are a possibility.

This is because while we can't necessarily prove that fractal realities exist, we can prove that other theories exist - like subatomic particles - and extrapolate our knowledge to arrive at a multiverse where everything happens. Multiple quantum realities are an effect of our current scientific beliefs, not a cause. The only question then becomes, which reality will you experience?

How to Increase Your Probability of Success

Currently, we think of probabilities as the chance something will occur. Therefore, when we talk about our probability of success, we're referring to the odds that our desired event will happen. However, if every event happens in some reality, then it's not accurate to talk about something happening. Everything happens.

Instead, we need to talk about probabilities in terms of experiencing the reality in which the thing we want is happening. So when you're trying to increase the probability of success, you're actually increasing the odds that you'll "slide" down the correct quantum rail of your event's probability/decision-tree and end up in the correct reality. Too bad for the rest of yous, right?

For example, if nine out of every 10 startups fail, you don't have a 10% chance of building a successful company but rather a 10% chance of experiencing the reality where your company succeeds. Your approach should therefore focus on increasing the chance you'll slide down the correct quantum rail out of the 10 available realities or increase the proportional number of "correct" rails available.

How to Increase Your Success Rate

Your success rate is another measurement of your desired outcome. However, while other success metrics (like probabilities) predict potential future outcomes, your success rate tracks the number of times you actually achieved the future you wanted. Therefore, while you want to increase your probability of success, ultimately, you do it to increase your success rate.

This is because the combined versions of you in the quantum universe experience everything that can possibly be experienced. The probability of future outcomes is therefore 100%, making it somewhat pointless to measure whether something may or may not happen. Instead, you actually need to focus on increasing the success rate of ending up in a reality where your desired experience happens.

But how? How can we use the quantum rails theory to effectively "slide down" the decision-tree into the reality we want? Essentially, how can we increase both our probability of success and our success rate so that we enter a universe where our desired event occurs, given that all events will occur at different probabilities?

Probability of Success Formula with the Quantum Rails Theory

The quantum rails theory is a way to approach self-improvement by increasing the number of potential futures that have your desired outcome. The theory refers to the probabilities in a decision tree as "rails" that take you from one reality to another. The aim of the theory is to increase your probability of success by multiplying the number of "rails" that end with your desired outcome.

Thinking about the probability of success and success rates in terms of rails on a decision tree will help you better understand true probabilities. Then, this understanding will help you multiply the odds that your desired event will happen by increasing the number of realities that contain the outcome you want (or that have a success rate of 100%).

To do so, it's important to follow the 5 steps below. The result will be a higher probability of success in whatever it is you're trying to achieve, thus increasing your overall success rate:

1. Define Your Desired Outcome

The first step in the quantum rails theory is to define your outcome. This can be thought of as your goal or desire or wish. What is it that you want? What are you trying to achieve? The answer to these questions is your desired outcome. Defining your outcome will help you calculate the correct probabilities.

2. Calculate the Probabilities

The next step is to calculate the odds of achieving your desired outcome. This is similar to our traditional understanding of probabilities (or non-quantum understanding). If you think there's a 20% chance of your desired outcome happening, your probability of success is also 20%.

3. Derive the Number of Potential Realities

Remember that every event that can happen will happen in the quantum universe. Therefore, if you have a 20% probability of success, it doesn't mean that there's a 20% chance of it happening but rather a 20% chance of you experiencing it. However, for it to fit within quantum physics, you need to derive the number of potential realities in step three. 20% is 1 out of 5, so there's effectively five realities, with only one containing your desired result.

4. Increase the Number of Desired Realities

Now that you know the number of potential realities given your desired result, the next step is to increase the number of desired realities. For example, if you have five potential realities available and only one that has your desired result, how do you re-distribute the odds so that there are two, three, four, or even five realities out of the five available that have your desired result?

Essentially, how can you increase your probability of success so that it increases your success rate? The answer lies in your ability to self-improve. If you know that a reality exists in which you'll achieve your goal 100% of the time, you can use it as motivation to do what it takes to end up in that reality. Do your best to position yourself so you multiply the number of rails that end with the life you want.

Think about it this way. If you stood in front of 10 doors with one of them leading to the blueprints of a multi-billion dollar company, and if someone told you that you could study up and reduce the number of fake "dummy doors," you'd be much more inclined to work hard and try, versus a scenario where there were 10 doors and no guarantee that any of them had a blueprint at all.

This distinction is the difference between traditional probabilities of success and quantum probabilities of success using the quantum rails theory. Understanding it will bring you more than you've ever imagined.

5. "Slide" Down into the Correct Reality

The final step is to slide down the correct rail of your probability/decision tree into the reality you want. However, you might not slide down the correct rail the first time around. For example, it might take you 2 - 4 startup companies to build one that's successful.

That's ok, even if you're multiplying the number of rails that end in your desired outcome, there will always be a chance you'll fail. However, if you consistently try to implement the quantum rails theory over time, there'll be so many realities in which you succeed that the odds become increasingly in your favor.

Conclusion - Probability of Success & Success Rate

Overall, the approach is the same. You gotta keep trying to self-improve if you want to make it. However, if you know with 100% certainty that the reality you want is out there somewhere, you can both motivate yourself better as well as more effectively increase your quantum probabilities of success.

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